Become CREW!

As a CREW member you help organizing the AID from behind the scenes. There would be no AID without our CREW! This year we had around 230 enthusiastic CREW members. The CREW builds up and breaks down the whole festival area, but also the other activities around Wageningen. They are also present during all the activities, making sure everything runs smoothly. As CREW member you will help to make the AID the greatest week of the year. 

When you are a CREW member, you receive consumption coins, food, a wristband and CREW shirts. As a CREWer you have to be available during at least 6 dayparts in the AID. You can help us before, during and after the AID. 

The registrations for CREW will open on the 8th of May.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us by emailing or by calling 0317484200.